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DoctorNext2Me: A significant innovation for global healthcare

The journey of DoctorNext2Me (DN2Me) spans about 10 years now since the realization of the universal need for immediate medical care inspired the creation and development of a series of sophisticated technological applications, covering, among others, emergency medical services, teleconsultation, follow-up tests for COVID-19 or other epidemics, online purchase of health insurance and more. 

DoctorNext2Me is emerging as a center of innovation and empathy in the field of health 

Offering a range of services to the citizen or tourist that are revolutionizing the way medical assistance is provided globally, DoctorNext2Me, with this comprehensive inclusive approach, underlines the company's commitment to technical innovation but also ensures that these services are based on solid legal and business foundations. 

The innovation of DN2Me 

DoctorNext2Me's dynamic multi-tool application system is designed to ease the financial burden on citizens and international insurance organizations while ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.
The first step to access the application is the user-friendly online platform of DN2Me, to call the nearest doctor in case of emergency. With just the push of a button on their mobile phone, the user of the DoctorNext2Me application can quickly locate and select nearby healthcare professionals, dealing with any emergency immediately. The way the application has been developed improves patient-doctor communication, operational logistics, and financial transactions, in a way that upholds transparency and fairness. 

Empathy and giving in every public health emergency 

DoctorNext2Me, proving in practice that this particular application came to provide immediate solutions to every emergency, individual and public, interrupting all commercial activity, offered FREE to Greek citizens in our country and all over the world, but also to its visitors of the country throughout the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, teleconsultation and communication services with Greek doctors, putting all the services of the application at the disposal of the EODY, the Region of Attica, and other Regions of the country, while thousands of Greeks in Europe, America, Australia and elsewhere had communication and consultation support from experienced doctors at the time of emergency.
By offering the NPONext2Me service for free and partnering with important public organizations, DoctorNext2Me has not only validated its system on a large scale but also highlighted the ethos of corporate social responsibility. The awarding of the company for the offer and innovation in July 2020 is an important moment!

The model of DN2Me 

DoctorNext2Me's innovative model pre-bills healthcare services to protect both insurance companies and patients from overcharging, fostering a protected transaction environment. Demonstrating a highly forward-looking design, DoctorNext2Me's platform offers a comprehensive health ecosystem that includes HealthPassNext2Me, HealthNewsNext2Me, MarketNext2Me, NPONext2Me, InsuranceNext2Me, CertifyNext2Me and WellnessNext2Me.
Each of these sub-apps demonstrates DoctorNext2Me's dedication and drive to providing comprehensive health and wellness solutions, the scalability of its tools, and its commitment to social well-being. 

The DN2Me Team 

The team behind DoctorNext2Me is a multi-layered combination of expertise, passion, and vision, including a wide range of professionals from legal advisors and project managers to creative directors, journalists, and software developers. Thus, the company is properly manned to achieve its ambitious goals. Each team member's unique background and experience contribute to a rich, interdisciplinary approach to addressing the challenges and opportunities in digital health. 

The prospects of DN2Me 

As DoctorNext2Me seeks funding to expand its innovative services to five countries, including Greece, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy, it is a shining example of how technology can be leveraged to service humanity. DoctorNext2Me is not just a company and an app. It is a call for a more accessible, inclusive, and efficient healthcare system for all.