With the COVID-19 pandemic still affecting global operations, countries around the world have either updated or launched new measures that affect shipping.
The State Maritime Agency advised that an extension till 31 March 2022 is granted for the following:
- Validity of certificates of seafarers.
- Endorsements of certificates issued by other governments.
- Seafarer’s Identity Document.
Georgia’s Maritime Transport Agency informed the IMO of the following:
- Certificates of Competency or Proficiency, Seamen’s books expiring before 1st March 2022, shall upon written application by the shipowner and/or ship manager company, will be renewed for a period of 3 months from the date of expiry.
- Medical certificates of seafarers expiring by 1 March 2022, shall be automatically renewed for a period of 3 months.
As BIMCO said, according to information provided by GAC Hot Port News and confirmed by the Philippine government, the schedule for travel restrictions has been amended by Resolution 154-B. The Red list of countries now includes the following:
- Andorra
- France
- Monaco
- Northern Marina Islands
- Réunion
- San Marino
- South Africa
- Switzerland
Validity of Certificates of Competence, as well as the endorsements on recognition of certificates issued by another Government, Certificates of Proficiency, tanker endorsements (oil tankers, liquefied gas tankers, chemical tankers), certificates for ship’s cooks, and other STCW documents, is extended for three months with no requirement for additional entries or issuance of new documents.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
According to information provided by the Maritime Administration of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the following are the measures in place effective 18 December:
- Scheduled statutory surveys by the classification society may be postponed based on a case-by-case basis.
- Drydocking and service of equipment may be extended based on individual applications.
- ISM Internal audits may be extended for up to three months if prevented by travel restrictions. After the expiry of the extension, the crew may be allowed to conduct the internal audit if necessary arrangements are in place.
- Document of Compliance renewal audit may be extended up to 18 March 2022 if the same is prevented by travel restrictions.
- Safety Management Certificates and International Ship Security Certificates may be extended for three months following individual application.
- Maritime Labour Certificate renewal may be done administratively by the classification society until 18 March 2022 if renewal inspection cannot be conducted.
- Annual flag State inspections will be conducted subject to the availability of flag State inspectors and pre-registration inspections will be conducted at a mutually agreed location on a case-by-case basis.
- Seafarers’ Employment Agreements (SEA) may exceed 12 months if repatriation is not possible and considered force majeure and not a breach of the MLC Convention, 2006. However, a new SEA is to be signed with a clause that the seafarer is entitled to repatriate at no cost to the seafarer at 7 days’ notice.
- Minimum Safe Manning Dispensations may be issued if replacement crew cannot be facilitated and onboard crew members have to leave due to urgent circumstances.
- Seamans’ books may be extended upon request.
- Seafarers with expired Medical Certificates may continue to serve on board for additional three months.
- Endorsements attesting Certificates of Competency or Certificates of Proficiency by another Administration may be extended subject to certain conditions are fulfilled as advised in the circular.
Elena-Ira Tzalacosta (Έλενα-Ήρα Τζαλακώστα)