Seafarers, like all human beings, need three things: recognition, stimulation, and certainty!
The above argues INTERTANKO in its second edition of ’’Crew Welfare Management and Mental Wellness’’ which provides best practices on wellbeing for crewing managers and shore-side staff.
The following article, explains ways to address seafarers’ need for stimulation.
On-board ship, it is very difficult to recreate the kind of social life that people working ashore enjoy; considering also that life at sea can become too monotonous, repetitive, or beyond boring, the crew can go flat.
Above all, seafarers need to feel excited and motivated about their work, otherwise, they may experience a lack of connection and vitality.
Why too little stimulation onboard?
Social life is an important source of stimulation; the following factors may create a sense that life is becoming increasingly monotonous onboard, which ultimately can lead to a lack of energy and a loss of interest:
-communication issues due to the multi-cultural background of the crew
-no activities to boost social interaction onboard
-no or very limited alcohol on-board
-difficult to pursue different hobbies
-poor internet communication
-lack of shore-leave due to the coronavirus-induced
7 Best Practices for shipping organizations to show STIMULATION
The following key actions can facilitate social contact and introduce variety into seafarers’ lives on-board
#1 Provide activities to enhance social life onboard
Set up tournaments and provide board games to ships
#2 Check internet connection
Provide increased data and download time for the internet
#3 Increase the amenities onboard
Provide extra recreational equipment, organize special events, arrange extra half-day off on board
#4 Fight monotony
Reduce the workload and support relaxation on non-critical Planned Maintenance System (PMS) items
#5 Increase seafarers’ immunology and mental well-being
Adopt extra dietary measures with a catering partner to keep the crew healthy and fit
#6 Keep team morale up
Ensure onshore senior teams are in regular contact with the vessels' crew and with their families back home
#7 Refurbishing of crew smoke room of all ships
Provide live TV and streaming apps and organize film screenings as a group.